Alternative objectives for Legions Imperialis (based on NetEA)

This is effectively the Net Epic Armageddon tournament mission with only minor modifications. Unless otherwise mentioned, use the deployment maps (but not objective layout) and secondary objectives as-is from the main rulebook. 

  1. Determine initiative by highest dice roll. Each player then generates a secondary objective following the usual process. 
  2. Take turns, starting with the player with the higher initiative, to place one objective marker on the table. Each player will place three each.
  3. The first objective a player sets up must be placed touching the longest edge of their deployment zone. 
  4. Remaining two objectives must be set up in their opponent’s half of the table, at least 12" away from the opponent’s table edge and 12" away from any other objectives that have already been placed.
  5. Starting with the end of turn 3, determine if these objective markers are currently controlled. 
  6. Control an objective by having a unit within 3" of it in the end phase and your opponent does not. 
  7. If both players have a unit within 3” then it is contested unless one player has more than twice the tactical strength within 3” as their opponent - if they do, they control it.
  8. You win by by achieving two goals. This is tested at the end phase starting with turn 3. If there is no winner, the same process applies for turn 4. If there is no winner, on roll of 6+ there is a turn 5. 
  9. You must check to see if either player has won at the end of the third, fourth, and fifth game turns. If neither player has won at the end of the final turn then the winner is instead the player with the most points from their secondary objective.
  10. The five goals are: Blitzkrieg, Break Their Spirit, Defend The Flag, Take And Hold, and They Shall Not Pass.
  11. Blitzkrieg - control the objective that was set up on the opponent’s table edge at the start of the game. 
  12. Break Their Spirit - Destroy the enemy detachment worth the most points. If multiple Detachments are tied for most cost, any qualify. 
  13. Defend the Flag - control all three objectives in your half of the table.
  14. Take And Hold - Control a total of two objectives in your opponent’s half of the table.
  15. They Shall Not Pass- You achieve this goal if there are no unbroken enemy formations in your half of the table.

Note 1. Any deployment map from the main rulebook may be used for this mission. Always determine ‘your half’ by bisecting the table with a line parallel to longest edge of your deployment area. 

Note 2. Your opponents half is treated as their deployment zone for the purposes of the infiltration rule. That means you cannot deploy infiltrators there. 


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