FOW Saturday Skirmish at Comics Compulsion
Amidst all the 'Boxing Day' PR stunts (hey look! a central government politician in the mall!), Tim put on the first 'Saturday Skirmish' for 2011 yesterday. Since we are allegedly the most 'organised', he made it Flames of War. In the event, we only had four of us there for our three 600 pt Midwar battles, which is exactly sufficient I guess. Stephen S, myself, Dave E and his step-nephew Seth were the combatants. I got Dave first up. He had Schnellschwardren: HQ, Schnell platoon, 75mm IG platoon, Recce platoon of two captured BA-10s and a looted T-34/76. I had good old dependable Grenadiers. I had considered taking simply nine T-34/76s but I suspected, and this was borne out by the lists there, that it would make the games a bit lopsided. So instead I had HQ with mortars, full Grenadier platoon, 2x Pak 40s and a looted KV-1e.
Game one was vs Dave (no pic sorry). I deployed stupidly and left my infantry in the centre too vulnerable to opportunistic fire from armoured cars. They were covered by Paks from the flanks and the KV, but I was unable to roll my sixes for many, many turns. I got the ACs in the end, but not before he broke the Grenadier platoon. Seeing that I intended to then use my Paks and KV to just shell him out, Dave took advantage of the fact that I had to use the KV to contest the objective and assaulted it with his infantry. He actually managed to bail it out and won the game. A good reward for aggressive play.
Stephen S (Aussies with Rifle Platoon, Carrier patrol and three Matildas) took on Seth's Grenadiers (Grenadier platoon, Assault troops with Schmidt and pak 38 platoon) in the desert and emerged victorious. I was up vs Seth next. The objective is near the middle of this picture, I am the snow based troops. This was only Seth's second game of flames, so he wasn't able to set up enough of an interlocked defense to prevent me pushing him off the objective and then he had to keep troops in the open to contest on the road or lose guys trying to assault infantry intermixed with a tanks and overlapped fields of fire.
Stephen is a veritable juggernaut for the 600pt format. After getting a bloody nose from him last time we played 600 pts - I told him he had to withdraw my quote verifying his abnormally poor dice-rolling, which he was using as a signature on the FOW forum. He still has it up there. To the left, you can see the tug of war vs Dave E. Dave's T-34 might as well have been a Tiger vs Stephen's force and he ended up with only a single rifle platoon. However, those infantry were FV Aussies and Stephen just wouldn't say die. He was rewarded for it too - he actually bagged the tank and the ACs and won it.
Cheers to my three opponents for a fun few hours of games on a Saturday and cheers especially to Tim for putting it on.
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