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Legions Imperialis XX Legions vs Solar Auxilia

2000 pts XX Legion vs Solar Auxilia. We played the modified EA tournament objectives. The Auxilia started strong with a mechanised assault to root the Legionaires out of the central building and pressure on both flanks. The dreadnoughts on the right, with long range support from the Warhound, put up a good showing but were not able eliminate the Veletarii entirely. Those held to the end of the battle giving the Auxilia a toehold over half way. The tactical detachment to the left did better. It kept tangling with the bulk of the Auxilia armour using their assault marines and held the enemy back.    The Astartes were then pinning it all on either the terminators or the tacticals in storm eagles making it through to take the rear objective and/or plant the standard (secondary). Neither did in the end, and the Auxilia won turn 5 on secondaries. We’re out the point now where less knee-jerk tweaks ar...

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